- Irawan, M.Z., Bastarianto, F.F., Priyanto, S. Using an integrated model of TPB and TAM to analyze the pandemic impacts on the intention to use bicycles in the post-COVID-19 period. IATSS Research, 2022, in press [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Risdiyanto, Munawar, A., Irawan, M.Z., Fauziah, M., Belgiawan, P.F. Why do students choose buses over private motorcycles and motorcycle-based ride-sourcing? A hybrid choice approach. Sustainability, 2022, 14(9), 4959 [MDPI][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z, Fajarindra Belgiawan, P., Basuki Joewono, T. Investigating the effects of individual attitudes and social norms on students’ intention to use motorcycles – An integrated choice and latent variable model. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022, 28, pp. 50–58 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z. Perceived disadvantages or motorized vehicle use habit? Investigating obstacles in bicycle use among adolescents in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2022, 14, 100595 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q2]
- Irawan, M.Z., Belgiawan, P.F., Joewono, T.B., Bastarianto, F.F., Rizki, M., Ilahi, A. Exploring activity-travel behavior changes during the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Transportation, 2022, 49(2), pp. 529–553 [SPRINGER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z., Rizki, M., Chalermpong, S., Kato, H. Mapping the motorcycle-based ride-hailing users in Yogyakarta: An analysis of socio-economic factors and preferences. Asian Transport Studies, 2022, 8, 100073 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS]
- Irawan, M.Z., Belgiawan, P.F. Ride-hailing app use for same-day delivery services of foods and groceries during the implementation of social activity restrictions in Indonesia. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 2022 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Belgiawan, P.F., Joewono, T.B., Irawan, M.Z. Determinant factors of ride-sourcing usage: A case study of ride-sourcing in Bandung, Indonesia. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2022 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Rizki, M., Syahputri, J., Joewono, T.B., Belgiawan, P.F., Irawan, M.Z. Mobility restriction policy effect to travel-activity participation after the policy lifted: Evidence from the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 14, 179-198 [JSTAGE]
- Rizki, M., Syahputri, J., Belgiawan, P.F., Irawan, M.Z. Electrifying tourist mobility in Bali, Indonesia: Setting the target and estimating the co2 reduction based on stated choice experiment. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(21), 11656 [MDPI][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Yumita, F.R., Irawan, M.Z., Malkhamah, S., Kamal, M.I.H. School commuting: Barriers, abilities and strategies toward sustainable public transport systems in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(16), 9372 [MDPI][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z., Bastarianto, F.F., Dewanti, Sugiarto, S., Rizka Fahmi Amrozi, M. Measuring the perceived need for motorcycle-based ride-hailing services on trip characteristics among university students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Travel Behaviour and Society, 2021, 24, pp. 303–312 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Rizki, M., Joewono, T.B., Belgiawan, P.F., Irawan, M.Z. The travel behaviour of ride-sourcing users, and their perception of the usefulness of ride-sourcing based on the users’ previous modes of transport: A case study in Bandung City, Indonesia, IATSS Research, 2021, 45(2), pp. 267–276 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Ramlan, R., Irawan, M.Z., Munawar, A. Behavioral factors of motorcyclists in right-turn movements at unsignalized intersections: An insight from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, IATSS Research, 2021, 45(1), pp. 116–122 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Sefrus, T., Priyanto, S., Dewanti, Irawan, M.Z. Study of the multi-airport system in “Greater Jakarta” with the potential of secondary airports of Pondok Cabe or Budiarto, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, 43(6), pp. 1648–1654 [Prince of Songkla University][SCOPUS][Q3]
- Irawan, M.Z., Bastarianto, F.F., Rizki, M., Belgiawan, P.F., Joewono, T.B. Exploring the frequency of public transport use among adolescents: a study in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 2021 [TAYLOR&FRANCIS][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Ramlan, R., Irawan, M.Z., Munawar, A. The impact of the existence of the volunteer on handling the waiting time at unsignalized intersection in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, IATSS Research, 2020, 44(4), pp. 265–271 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z., Rizki, M., Joewono, T.B., Belgiawan, P.F. Exploring the intention of out-of-home activities participation during new normal conditions in Indonesian cities, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2020, 8, 100237 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q2]
- Irawan, M.Z., Belgiawan, P.F., Tarigan, A.K.M., Wijanarko, F. To compete or not compete: exploring the relationships between motorcycle-based ride-sourcing, motorcycle taxis, and public transport in the Jakarta metropolitan area, Transportation, 2020, 47(5), pp. 2367–2389 [SPRINGER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z., Simanjuntak, N.I.M., Bastarianto, F.F., Dwitasari, R., Herawati. Predicting the impact of Trans Java Toll Roads on demand for intercity air travel in Indonesia, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2020, 87, 101848 [ELSEVIER][SCOPUS][Q1]
- Irawan, M.Z., Belgiawan, P.F., Joewono, T.B., Simanjuntak, N.I.M. Do motorcycle-based ride-hailing apps threaten bus ridership? A hybrid choice modeling approach with latent variables, Public Transport, 2020, 12(1), pp. 207–231 [SPINGER][SCOPUS][Q2]
- Said, Priyanto, S., Parikesit, D., Irawan, M.Z. Identification and analysis on stakeholder of cross-border freight transportation, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020, 10(4), pp. 1555–1563 [INSIGHT][SCOPUS][Q2]
- Sefrus, T., Priyanto, S., Dewanti, Irawan, M.Z. Modeling of domestic air passenger demand in the papua islands, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2020, 42(5), pp. 1071–1076 [Prince of Songkla University][SCOPUS][Q3]
- Sefrus, T., Priyanto, S., Parikesit, D., Dewanti, Irawan, M.Z. Kualanamu international airport: Current development toward aerotropolis, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020, 10(2), pp. 866–872 [INSIGHT][SCOPUS][Q2]
- Joewono, T.B., Rizki, M., Belgiawan, P.F., Irawan, M.Z. Why do shoppers keep making online shopping trips? Learning from evidence in Bandung, Indonesia. Asian Transport Studies, 2020, 6, 100016 [ELSEVIER]
- Bastarianto, F.F., Irawan, M.Z., Choudhury, C., Palma, D., Muthohar, I. A tour-based mode choice model for commuters in Indonesia. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2019, 11(3), 788 [MDPI][SCOPUS][Q1]
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- Rahman, A., Irawan, M.Z., Evaluating Road Networks Performance: Capacity Restraint Method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1655(1), 012099 [SCOPUS]
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- Basalim, S., Parikesit, D., Priyanto, S., Irawan, M.Z. Consideration of (Inter) national or Regional Freight Transport Models and Its Performance Indicators In Kalimantan Island. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2017, 11
- Ilahi, A., Irawan, M.Z. A microsimulation model of median busway and ATCS (case study: Transjogja Bus, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2013, 9, 350
- Irawan, M.Z., Sumi, T., Modeling Travel Mode Choice: Application of Discrete-Continuous Model (A Case of Traveler in Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2013, 9
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